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Upholstery Cleaning Service

Upholstery Cleaning Service picture

How long has it been since you’ve had that favorite sofa, love-seat or chair cleaned? If you’re like most folks, you & your family spend a great deal of time using your furniture’s upholstery, but very little time cleaning it (if any). It’s recommended you clean your upholstery every 1 – 3 months depending on how much dust & dirt build-up from daily use. Particularly watch the Arm & Headrest areas of your furniture where oils from hair & skin build-up.

For light upholstery cleaning, your vacuum and most commercial cleaners & shampoos should be fine—check the manufacturer’s upholstered furniture or fabric label or tag to be sure. Be careful about applying too much water to prevent damage or unnecessary wear to your fabric. Minimizing drying time also reduces the chance of bacteria growth occurring. Use an electric fan or open a window to increase drying time where appropriate.

The 7 Principles of Upholstery Cleaning

  1. Fabric Inspection
    A simple test which involves taking a tiny swatch of the fabric reveals the fiber content and helps tailor the cleaning process.
  2. Dye Testing
    A small amount of upholstery cleaner is applied to an inconspicuous area of the fabric to test for dye stability.
  3. Dry Soil Removal
    When cleaning any textile, the first step is always to remove as much dry soil as possible. Not only does this improve the cleaning process, but it also will help prevent damage and scratches to your fine fabrics from dry soil particles.
  4. Soil Suspension
    A preconditioning agent is used on most fabrics to “suspend” the soil for more effective extraction.
  5. Soil Removal (Extraction)
    A water or solvent based solution is used to whisk away the suspended soils.
  6. Pile Setting/Grooming
    Textiles that have a “pile”, such as chenille or velvet, are groomed with a special upholstery grooming brush to arrange the individual fibers into a uniform position.
  7. Drying
    High velocity air movers are used to promote faster drying. This will help the fabric dry quicker and not leave a chance for mold and bacteria to grow in your fine fabrics.

Superior Upholstery Cleaning

When it comes time for professional upholstery cleaning, use our Hot Carbonation Extraction method and advanced Truck mounted equipment to clean deep into your furniture’s fabric. Since our process uses a lot less water than other upholstery cleaners, there is a lot less chance of premature wear or damage. This also means we’ll have your upholstery clean & dry in 3 to 4 hours ready for you and your family to use.

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